Invocation to the Distant Star
“We direct our thought to that Power which is the Ultimate Reality, and ask that our minds and our vision be uplifted, to conceive that which is Unknowable to us now. May our bodies open to admit Eternity. May our minds and hearts become part of that Great Dust. Let our Beings long for the Blessed Distant Star. Let us salute that in each other which is divine.
O light of that Distant Star, illuminate the Path before us, and bring to our lips the Songs of the Great Voyage” — Gilbert John Barretto, 1989
Enneagram Invocations
I have composed the prayers and affirmations in this section upon my contemplations on the Enneagram or nine pointed star. I believe that a prayer represents a statement that a person directs toward their particular vision of the Almighty. In numerous writings that Higher Power, or that Divinity, is hailed as The Beloved, or Dear One, or similar terms of adoration.
In my opinion, a prayer is a highly personal communication and the sentiments are in the words created by the one who prays. I am by no means learned enough to say whether or not prayers are granted or answered.
In keeping with the structure of the Enneagram, the statements I present each contain nine words. It has been said that the Enneagram is a symbol that is meant to reflect perpetual motion and also the Philosopher’s Stone of the Alchemists, who outwardly linked it with the idea of eternal youth. Because each affirmation is composed of nine words, I suggest that each be repeated nine times, and with each repetition the focus be changed and placed on the next successive word. This evokes in the Unconscious, a congruence with perpetual movement or Eternity.
Writing and using these invocations has brought much sunshine into the shaded outposts of my Being. May they be of Service to you.
No fear of Darkness; I hear my Shepherd’s flute.
Fear. Grasping. Broken wings. There lies my precious gift.
In the burning Nigredo, greed, lust and vanity dissolve.
There is no loneliness for those who love God.
May I desire tomorrow’s promise more than yesterday’s grief.
So strait the Gate, I had to enter alone.
A mind talking to itself cannot hear God’s call.
You enter my solitude. I am no longer alone.
Tears of wonder and friendship; I’ve entered The Kingdom.
I am a wealthy man. He fills my heart.
My real task is becoming One with my Creator.
My God is a woman. I adore Her passionately.
Ready to live or die-I serve my Master.
Serve from duty till you can serve from love.
I too once disbelieved. Life taught me to pray.
When all is gone stand divested and receive God.
A las fronteras de mi Ser abrazo el Destino.
Erect Man and horizontal Snake constitute a mystic quadrant.
So gossamer the Robes, only the Holy can see.
The Work teaches how we create Heaven and Hell.
The Beatitude comes in terror and shocks the mind.
I attend no Services but those in my Heart.
Let me live the life You planned for me.
In what manner can I best repay Your Love?
I will focus on gratitude in preference to desire.
The League of Holy Men is for all Eternity.
To sense my body is to pray without words.
I have wandered enough. Now I return to You.
This Path is difficult, secret and beset with terror.
I feel nothing, for I have died in Life.
What is awareness? Sensing your presence in every cell.
The key to everything is attention to the intention.
Rodney Colin “Mirror of Light” p.44
The heart that can love God is already healing.
A person’s first obligation is to overcome their fear.
Blows to my vanity are gifts to my soul.
There are things that a holy man cannot have.
Farewell to yesterday’s grief; today’s sorrow is already here.
I must say “Yes” to every moment of life.
My Robes are woven of my love for You.
Teachers of the Miraculous, help me to remember myself.
Without words I sense my totality. That is prayer.
You are the angel glow that lights the star.
Jerome Kern “All The Things You Are”
Be silent my heart, for my Beloved speaks softly.
Whatever my eye beholds is the face of Christ.
I seek to align with the power of Creation.
Grace is the profound yearning to leave the darkness.
True prayers are not requests, but words of gratitude.
I hurt so much that I died from it.
I was created to realize the presence of God.
God, forgive the sins I have carried so long.
Beloved, help me. I am afraid of leaving Hell.
My only concerns are with God and my soul.
Here, in the marketplace, I have taken Vows.
Ego closes my mind to the presence of Creation.
Free Will: fight for my Light…or lose it!
Who can understand what it means to really forgive?
Only the heart has the capacity to know God.
I am the nothing, painfully dissolving into the Everything.
What a gift to realize that I am nothing.
My train’s already boarding? Seems I just got here.
Reality and Magic are coins from the same purse.
Seek not from another what only God can give.
Dance with the Changed Ones and cast away fear.